RunFree PT

"Building Strong Humans"

founded on ONE idea that Physical Therapy can transform YOUR Life!

Todays healthcare is crap. The internet has provided access to thousands of "answers"....Leading to more confusion and questions then TRUTH and transformation.

We are here to change that, our programs are evidence based and proven to work. Their are no gimmick and since we dont answer to insurance there are no Lies.

We tell the truth, we solve problems and we transform lives. 


We are revolutionizing healthcare with our remote Strength and Wellness programs.

Limited Spots available. Contact us today to find out if you qualify.

Discovery Session

Walk away empowered with an understanding of how we can help you.

Your questions will be heard and addressed.

Schedule Your Consult

Dr. Freeborn Mondello, PT, DPT

Back Pain Expert


25 years experience in the health and wellness industry as a healthcare executive, clnician, personal trainer, coach and wellness director. 

Dr Mondello, is a leading back pain expert with specialties, in dry needling, kettlebell training, rehab and strength training. 

 He is passionate about transforming lives. Dr Mondello believes in creating educational materials and programs that emopwer you to become the best possible version of yourself. No pain killers, surgeries or made up complicated BS programming. 

Simple, truthful, and cinsistent is alway the message you will recieve when working with Dr Mondello and the RF team. 

RunFree Physical Therapy



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